Frequently asked questions

What is Bid.Bill.Pay.?

Bid.Bill.Pay. is a better way to get rid of debt. It is a portal that helps people to pay what they can afford to pay to eliminate their debt. Simply find your account, place a Bid telling the creditor how much you are willing to pay and how much time you need to pay it. Why should I join Bid.Bill.Pay? With Bid.Bill.Pay., you are in control. You state what you are able to pay and you pay it! No hassle. No embarrassing phone calls! No stress!

How do I open an account?

Opening an account on Bid.Bid.Pay. is easy. Simply click here to get started.

How do I find out how much I owe?

That's easy. Simple open a free account here and you will see a summary of your debt.

How do I get a copy of my credit report?

Coming soon.

How do I dispute a charge/bill?

Coming soon.

Bid Your Debt Away

No haggling, no debates and no pressure. Simply open a free acount. Find your debt. Bid on the amount that your are willing to pay to get rid of the debt

Get A Copy of Your Credit Report

Not sure of what is in your credit report? Click here for a free copy. After you review your credit report, bid your debt away.

Dispute A Debt

Error on your credit report? Dispute the debt under certain conditions, the debt collector will stop all collections until it completes a verification process.